Minggu, 25 Agustus 2024

Kata Bersayap #9

I have One bodyguard. 
He has no eyes though He sees. 
He has no ears though He hears.
 He remembers everything with the aid of mind and memory. 
When He wishes to create a thing, He just orders it to be and it comes into existence, but this order does not convey the words which takes the tongue to form like our sound carries ears. 
He hears the secrets of those on the quiet thoughts. 
He stops those whom, whose that? 
That’s God Allāh. 
He’s my bodyguard. 
He’s your bodyguard. 
He’s the Supreme, The Wise.

(Muhammad Ali)


Kata Bersayap #8

Ngelmu Kyai Petruk

Swarga durung weruh
Neraka durung wanuh
Mung donya sing ku weruh
Urip aja duwe mungsuh

Ribang bumi ribang nyawa
Ana beja ana cilaka
Ana urip ana mati
Precil mijet wohing ranti

Senenge sak klentheng, 
Susahe sak rendheng
Aja seneng neg duwe, 
Aja susah neg ra duwe

Umpluking samudra, 
kethuk ing sambikala
Laku lampah saderma, 
Aja gumede aja jumawa

(Dicuplik dari Air Kata-Kata karya Sindhunata, dipopulerkan oleh Jogja Hiphop Foundation
Ilustrasi oleh www.infosoloraya.com)


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